The Frighteners

They must be contained!
Catch you later, Hiles.
My tour of duty
runs another 85 years!

There's a piece of dirt here
with your name on it.

I'm waiting for you,
you little maggot!

There were times
when people accused Ray...

of being less than generous,
but I am sure that deep down...

the man possessed a heart of gold
and a generous spirit.

It's true. He wouldn't lie,
not at a time like this.

Because God has chosen...
to call Ray from this life to Himself,
we commit his body to the ground.

Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Jesus, what a waste.
It's a goddamn tragedy!
Good-bye, Ray.
Oh, sweetheart, don't cry.
Oh, shit!
Hey, Frank!
I know you can hear me!
Get me out of this hole!
Frank! Get me out!
Hiya, Frank.
Hi, Walt.
I'm surprised to see you.
Here on business?

Not exactly.
They're going to bury me alive!
I hear you and Lynskey had a little
run-in the night before he died.
