Tieta do Agreste

on a Sunday...
just to tell me that?
Thank God I arrived
at the City Hall in time.

The men were almost giving up
talking to the mayor.

They'll start
the work right away.

We'll have electric power
till next year. Thanks to you.

- I just helped a bit.
- Care for some liqueur?

- The work was all yours.
- Tieta is our guardian angel!

And Ascánio Trindade
our captain of the dawn!

You know, Nora...
it was here, in these dunes,
that I lost my virginity.

My goodness!
A peddler. Smuggler.
And it was here too,
in these dunes...

that Lucas taught me the Y.
- The Y?
- I can tell you, paulista.

- You?
- Cupertino Batista Júnior!

I have never practiced,
but I have been taught.

Look at that. Com. Dário has
a chess board at home.

- Can you play, Leonora?
- Chess?
