
I put across the idea.
People get hung up on details.

Like how many O-grades I got.
Maybe six. Maybe none.

It's not important.
What's important is that I am.

Do you mean you lied
on your application?

No...Well, yes.
To get my foot in the door.
Showing initiative.

You were referred by
the Department of Employment.

Your foot was in the door.
Yeah, cool.
Whatever you say, man. Sorry.
You're the man.
The dude in the chair.

I am merely here. Obviously.
What exactly attracts you
to the leisure industry?

In a word, pleasure.
Like, my pleasure
in other people's leisure.

Do you see yourself
as having any weaknesses?

Oh, yes! I'm a bit
of a perfectionist.

For me, it's the best
or nothin' at all.

Things get dodgy -
I cannot be bothered.

But I'm getting good vibes
about this interview.

Seems to me it's going
pretty well, eh?

Thank you, Mr Murphy.
We'll let you know.
The pleasure was mine.
Spud had done well.
He made me proud.
Fucked up good and proper.

Picture the scene.
The other fucking week there,
down the Volley
with Tommy playing pool.

I'm playing like Paul Newman,
giving the boy a tanning.
It comes to the last shot,
the deciding ball
of the tournament.

I'm on the black,
he looks biscuit-arsed.

When this hard cunt comes in.
Obviously fucking
fancied himself, like.

Starts staring at me.
Looking right fucking at me
as if to say, "Come ahead."
You ken me.
I'm not the type
that goes looking for bother

but I had a pool cue
and he'd get it in his puss!
