Un air de famille

How come!
Did you watch him, Betty?
Did you?
I'm sorry. You're real ladylike.
Did you watch Philippe?
Of course.
You work together all day.
It's easy for you.

So you saw him?
I'll tell him I did too.
What was it like?
You'll lie?
Of course I will.
I can't say I forgot. Mom called
to remind me an hour beforehand.

I don't know why I forgot.
So tell me what it was like.
What did he say?
What was he wearing?

You think they'll ask?
You never know.
He said: "Tomorrow at 7,

I'm going to be on TV."
Mom called an hour before.

That means they want my opinion.
He just wanted you to see him.
He told everyone.

He told the family. It's normal.
You think he'll ask you
about the computer trade?

Oh yeah, I'm dumb.
I'm the family idiot.
Why would he ask me anything?

Did I say that?
The same old tune,
I know it by heart!

You, Mom, Philippe
- you're all the same.

I can't understand a thing.
I'm too thick.

Stop that. It's not true.
Isn't it true?
Isn't it?
Me again? Why always me?
Who else can I ask?
What's the question?
Aren't I the family idiot?
Sure you are.
See? Told you so!
