Air Bud

- Yes, Mrs. Grayson. Hi.
- § W-X §§

I figured out why Bolivia
didn't get the napkins.
Venezuela got 'em. Yeah.

- [ Knocking ]
- [ Door Opens ]

Sorry, sweetie,
that was Grandma on the phone.

- How was school ?
- It sucks.

How was the trombone ?
Aw, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
You know, we've all been
through a lot in this last year.

But I know we're gonna
get through it.

This is a good place.
All we gotta do is just give it
our best shot every day.

Your dad would've wanted it
that way.

I guess.
Sure. He wouldn't have
wanted you being all mopey.

I love you.
Check out the new kid.
It looks like he stole that ball
from the Harlem Globetrotters.

[ Chuckling ]
How you doin', buddy ?
[ Man ]
All right, listen up !

Now, you're here today to try out
for the school's finest tradition:

Now, I've got five of my boys
back from last year,
