
It's beautiful - the green!
- ..nobody in control.
- The yellow!

He doesn't have to drive.
Where is Alison?
I've got bad news and good news.
The bad news is that Alison
is visiting her mom,

who is...not well.
- That's too bad.
- The poor thing.

The good news is,
Dr Bean and I are cooking.

- That's good news?
- Of course it is.

All the greatest chefs are men.
What's on the menu, maestro?
How could I forget?
What the hell
are we going to give them?

They expect something
more formal.

An onion? On its own?
That's for Thanksgiving.
Alison would kill me.

There must be something else.
Have you cooked one before?
Oh, yes.
But it'd take five hours!
Not necessarily.
- What do you think, 20 minutes?
- How do I know?

You sure this will work?
OK, put on some vegetables
and say hello.

Maestro, my tastebuds
are tingling with anticipation.

No, thanks.
We'll skip the appetiser.
