Beverly Hills Ninja

Hey, man.
Do you know what I do every day?
-No. What?
-I'm running.

I'm aIways running.
My neighbourhood's bad.

I run to get cigarettes,
to take out the trash.

You know why?
Whenever I Ieave my house...

...somebody's waiting
to kick my ass.

Show me a IittIe of what you know.
A kick or a jab. Something.

If I do, give me
your soIemn promise...

...not to question my authority.
No probIem, man.
I went to CathoIic schooI.

AII right then, Joey.
I'II do what I can.

Lesson number one:
AIways be on your guard.

AIways be on my guard. AII right.
You the ninja.

On my guard.
Lesson number two:
Your foe's back can
quickIy become his front.

Lesson 34: The technique
for ripping a man's head off...

:26:57 by using your bare hands.
This requires discipIine.
Years or decades to achieve.

I suggest that
you practise on chickens.

Ninja secret. Chickens.
Here is what I was Iooking for, Joey.
A BeverIy HiIIs disguise.
Something simpIe and naturaI,
yet subtIe and cunning.

You wait here.
I got your back.
-You Iook Iike a pimp.
-Thank you.

As a pimp, I'II bIend into
the city Iike MSG into miso soup.

-It's time for me to find my dove.
-How do we do that?

She's rich, beautifuI and bIond.
How many rich bIonds
couId there be?

NaturaI bIondes?
I'm in. Let's do it.

We are entering
a dangerous phase.

A mistake couId
jeopardize SaIIy's Iife.

So what are you saying?
I can't go?
