Beverly Hills Ninja

Not yet a match.
It Iooks Iike we are
one degree CeIsius off...

...on that magenta coIour.
I'm gonna have to
quantify the 7-F reading on this...

...and that'd run it through
with the surface-gravity viscosity.

I can pIug it into
the MarshaII formuIa...

...and that wouId give me
an accurate mix design.

They're just a IittIe bit off.
What I couId do on that is run
a Pap smear...

...and then tone it down a IittIe.
-HeIIo, Mr. TanIey.
-What the heII is that?

See what I'm up against?
I'II rethink my inks.

...what I couId do is,
I couId swing back to my shop...

...and be gone five minutes.
You couId bIindfoId me.
I Iiked that anyway.

How'd that get in there?
Who are you?
Chet WaIters, ink speciaIist.
I am Haru of the Takagure dojo...
...and if you vaIue your Iife,
you wiII....

Let's get him!
Open this door!
Let us out of here!
Haru, you are truIy
the Great White Ninja.

Did I say ninja?
I meant ninny.

'' Haru, you are such a ninny.''
