Breaking Up

I can't move.
I'm stuck on a chair just going over
every word...

...and it makes me even sicker.
- This is a conversation?
- I'm trying!

I have 57 vegetables waiting to have
their picture taken.

- I work.
- Right. Parlez-vous français?

- Teaching, it's very hard work.
- Sure.

- I'm taking that class tomorrow.
- Aerobics?

No, Flaubert and the
Domestic Enslavement of Women.

Or, Does a Person with a Penis
Have to Be a Dickhead?

That's perfect. You should pass.
That's right.
Shut up!
Can you drop me
where you found me?

As soon as this damn traffic
starts moving.

- I'm sorry. I am.
- Me too.

- I didn't mean it.
- No, me either.

- It's just...
- I know.

- Sometimes...
- I know.
