Career Girls

feels like leather,
and it's made of plastic.

Put all your secrets in there.
Have the bigger version as well.

- Oh, no. This is too much.
- Don't be silly. What about a folder?

There you go.
Thank you.
We're in Yates' Wine Lodge
in Wakefield...

and he was already
half-pissed, you see...

'cause he had actually been in there,
you know, since work with his friends.

Anyway, I stupidly chose this moment to tell
him I didn't want to go out with him anymore.

- Do you know what he said?
- No.

He said that I've got
the hump with him, right?

Because once he had actually said to me
that he didn't ever want to get married.

- Does that make sense to you?
- No.

Here I am trying to end it with this guy...
and he's telling me
that I want to marry him.

And I really didn't.
I didn't.

He sounds like a dickhead to me.
- Well, he is a dickhead.
- How long were you with him?

- A year and a half.
- Oh, I don't know how you put up with it.

Well, I didn't,
'cause I left him, didn't I?

Well, he wouldn't have lasted a weekend
with me. That's my problem.

None of 'em do.
I just can't hack it.

Serves me right for getting
involved with a bloody drunk.

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I've just been involved with one of them.

Oh? Oh, I don't know.
Where are you supposed to
meet a man, you know, at 30?

Did you leave your Zimmer frame
on the train?

Thank you very much. It was lovely.
- Do you want some more?
- Oh, no, no. I couldn't.

So how is Thelma these days?
- Oh, she's still the model
of maternity, my mother.
- Oh?

Swigging two bottles of gin a day
and puking up my Sunday lunches.

- Oh, dear.
- She's a right old strop
at the moment, actually.

Why is that then?
Stupidly, I told her that you were
coming down for the weekend.

She's been insisting
that I bring you around.

Well, let's go around.
I'd be quite happy to.

No, thank you. I wouldn't wish her on
my worst enemy, let alone my oldest friend.

Wouldn't mind a weekend off, anyway.
She sends her love.

Oh, that's nice.
Will you send her mine?
