Chasing Amy

I don't know. Get a pizza.
Watch Degrassi Junior High.

You got a weird thing
for Canadian melodrama.

I got a weird thing
for girls who say "a boot."

- Bank Holdup.
Hooper here. Listen, I know how
you 'burb fiends hate the city,

but there's a club shindig going down
tonight I think you'd really get into.

- Where is it ?
- Meow Mix. I'm temping as barkeep.

Oh, I don't know, Hoop.
We're prepping the next issue. We got
that stupid meeting in the morning.

- I told her you wouldn't be interested.
- Told who ?

Alyssa from last night Alyssa ?
How do you begin and end a question
with the same word like that ?

You got skill.
Yes, that one !

She asked me to invite you.
Now, here's the part where you say--

- I'll be there.
- Thought so. 1 0:00. Later.

- Who was that ?
- Hooper. He invited me to a club.

Man, when's that faggot gonna learn ?
You like chicks.

- Not that kind of club.
- So when we leaving ?

We ? You can't go.
He's hooking me up with Alyssa.

- And ?
- And I don't want you messing it up.

I care about your shit.
Maybe I'll hook up myself.

I told you. It's not
that kind of club.

How does one man
get to be so funny ?

Look, how you gonna get
home when I hook up, huh ?

- Like that'll happen.
- Let me explain, my witless chum.

The other night, we two,
Alyssa and I,

we, uh, well,
we shared a moment.

- Oh, you had a moment.
- No.

We shared a moment,
all right ?

And in that moment, one thing
was made abundantly clear.

This girl loves me,
my friend.

Loves me. You know
what I'm saying ?

Ah, who's your daddy now
