Chasing Amy

Yeah, and apparently you don't
even fucking realize it.

What does it matter
if I refer to her as a dyke ?

Or if I call the Whalers faggots
in the privacy of my own office...

far from the sensitive ears
of the rest of the world ?

Look, man, it's
passive-aggressive gay bashing.

And I know you're not really
prejudiced at heart.

I think you should find some other way
to express your anger is all I'm saying.

What are you doing ?
Just bear with me here. I want to
put you through this little exercise.

All right, now, see this ?
This is a four-way road, okay ?

And dead in the center is a crisp,
new hundred-dollar bill.

Now, at the end of each of these streets
are four people. Okay ? You following ?

- Yeah.
- Good.

Over here we have a male-affectionate,


Down here we have
a man-hating, angry-as-fuck,

bitter dyke.

Over here we got Santa Claus,
and up here, the Easter Bunny.

Which one is going to get
to the hundred-dollar bill first ?

- What is this supposed to prove ?
- No, I'm serious.

This is a serious exercise.
It's like an S.A.T. question.

Which one is going to get
to the hundred-dollar bill first ?

The male-friendly lesbian ?
The man-hating dyke ?

Santa Claus
or the Easter Bunny ?

- The man-hating dyke.
- Good.

- Why ?
- I don't know.

Because the other three are figments
of your fucking imagination !

I don't need this. I'll be hiding
from your fucking shit in my room.

- What ?
- What is it about this girl, man ?

You know you have no shot
at getting her into bed !
