Good Will Hunting

What do you mean, he didn't talk?
You were in there for an hour.

He just sat there counting the seconds
until the session was over.

- Pretty impressive, actually.
- Why would he do that?

To prove to me he doesn't have
to talk to me if he doesn't want to.

What is this? Some kind of
staring contest between two kids
from the old neighborhood?

Yeah, it is,
and I can't talk first.

We know your theory, Alexander,
but the boy's found
a simple geometrical picture.

- A tree structure won't work.
- Look now.
He's joining the two vertices.

But I can do the sum.
- It's how you group
the terms, Alexander.
- But, Gerry.

If we do the whole thing
this way, then--

Hey, look, look.
[ Will ] I wrote it down.
It's simpler this way.

people get lucky.

You're a brilliant man.
[ Door Closes ]
%% [ Whistling ]
You know,
I was on this plane once,

and I'm sittin' there, and...
the captain gets on,
he does his whole, you know,

"we'll be cruisin' at 35,000 feet,"
but then he puts the mike down.

- He forgets to turn it off.
- Mm-hmm.

So he turns to the copilot.
He's, like,
