
-Yep. My serve got faster.

lncreased by eight percent.
l can hit a ball
up to sixty-five miles an hour.

You got that way
from practicin'?

No. l got this thing
called A.D.D.

lt's an attention disorder.
lt affects the nervous system.
Makes it hard to concentrate.
Makes it hard?
Makes it hard, 'cause, like...
before l knew l had A.D.D...
l wouldn't really
go for the ball...

l wouldn't run the extra mile.
Yeah, but it's hard to explain.
l take ritalin,
this kind of prescription drug.

lt's not like a drug
that fucks you up.

lf anything,
it makes you normal.

He just likes to go out
with skinny girls.

-How do you know?
-l just know.

Who told you?
His last girlfriend
used to be anorexic.

-Was she bulimic?
-l don't know.

l'll bet
she was a bulimic puker...

with white spots on her teeth.
l don't know. She used to run
track after school...

and this girl said,
''There goes Eddie's girl.''

And l thought, ''What for?
That girl's so skinny.''

-They broke up, right?
-Mm-hmm. A while ago.

-Skin and bones.
-Mm-hmm. She was so skinny...

she had to wear rubber bands
around the tops of her socks...

and a belt around her spandex
bike shorts to keep them up.

-No, she didn't.

Kids in school
used to laugh so hard.

lt's crazy, so crazy.
Guess l'm not skinny enough
for him, then.

-You are.

Uh-huh. At least
if he goes out with you...

you'll know he got good taste.
-We'll see.

We'll see if it happens,
is what we'll see.

l was born
right here in Xenia, Ohio...

to a lesbian midwife...
who cut all her hair
like a butch.

And when l was little,
she used to have stre--

My mom
used to have stretch marks...

that went around in circles.
