Mr. Magoo

- Stupak!
- Where are you?

Right behind you.
Don't turn around.

Just spotted a conspicuous white male.
Dirty clothes,
needs a haircut.

- Sticks out like a sore thumb.
- Where is he? Can't see him. Over.

Right behind you.
Turn around. Don't turn around.

- Walk backwards.
- What?

Walk backwards.
More! More.
More. Stop.
- Where?
- Look to your left.

I am Rolvaag
King of Norway
Aha. Uh, one minute, please.
Uh, uh, may I help you?
Oh, that voice.
The timbre! The tone!
It belongs to the world,
but for the moment it's mine alone.

And I tremble.
- Mr Magoo, I presume?
- Uh, yes.

And, uh, you are, um...
Prunella. Prunella Pagliacci,
reporter for "The Opera News."

Prunella. I knew a young lady once
named Prunella.

Mr Magoo, w-will you consent
to an interview?

Well, why not? Uh, back here,
uh, tonight, after the show.

Oh. No, l, I wouldn't want to share you
with all of your well-wishers.

Oh, well, uh, uh, uh,
a private, uh, rendezvous.

Uh, a walk on the beach
at, uh, Sandy Cove...

uh, shall we say, noon tomorrow?
I'll be there early.
