Mr. Magoo

Uh, uh, may I help you?
Oh, that voice.
The timbre! The tone!
It belongs to the world,
but for the moment it's mine alone.

And I tremble.
- Mr Magoo, I presume?
- Uh, yes.

And, uh, you are, um...
Prunella. Prunella Pagliacci,
reporter for "The Opera News."

Prunella. I knew a young lady once
named Prunella.

Mr Magoo, w-will you consent
to an interview?

Well, why not? Uh, back here,
uh, tonight, after the show.

Oh. No, l, I wouldn't want to share you
with all of your well-wishers.

Oh, well, uh, uh, uh,
a private, uh, rendezvous.

Uh, a walk on the beach
at, uh, Sandy Cove...

uh, shall we say, noon tomorrow?
I'll be there early.
Be wonderful tonight.
Well, uh...
Great Scott!
Uh, did you hear that, Angus?

She doesn't want to share me
with anyone.

Is it possible after all these years,
another duet at last?

"O Solo Mio" no more.
Stupak. Stupak!
Where are you?

I am Rolvaag
king of Norway
