Mr. Magoo

Uh, which way
to the little girls' room?

Ah, atop the stairs.
Let me light your way.

Ah, ah, your repast awaits you
down here, my dove.

Next I want you to put some water
on to boil.

And while we're waiting for that,
let's clean about, oh...

two or three sprigs of parsley.
Water on to boil.
Next, pat the chicken dry.
Now, take some lemon
and rub it on the chicken.

Now, make sure you get the whole
chicken. Lift the leg if you have to.

Now, I hope you're not cheating
and using bottled lemon juice.

If you are,
it just won't taste as good.

Why? Well, no peel appeal.
Angus, there you are, old friend.
Well, I can't play right now.
I don't have any time.
And now, lift both legs
high into the air. Left and right.
