
susy doesn't want to go out
with you anymore

fine, bye
i have to admit i felt a strange sadness
what did he say?
Fine, bye
forget about him, ovosodo's a nerd
should we call sergino?
come on
i said no
my girlfriend left me
what's wrong with me?
Why couldn't i do what others do?
I couldn't see myself
making 'cucci-cucci'

whispering sweet nothing
without feeling like an idiot

i thought what if i'm like fabio?
Or even like danielino?
But no, that wasn't me
even if some displays of machismo
simply shock me
when i have them bent over
in front of me

i don't know what gets into me
those beautiful naked backs
i feel like punching them
i didn't dare let on that it shocked me
i lived in a world that
did not allow nuances

one more subjunctive
one existential doubt too many
and you were branded a 'queer' for life
no, we were all sleeping
i'm okay. I'm studying
i have exams in j une
not my driver's license, my diploma
when are you coming home?
Nedo? My love, honey
you were a bastard leaving like this
i miss you to death
it's a mess here. They want to evict us
the police have come
where have you been?
Don't worry, it's nothing
i'll talk to the judge
he's a good man
