
i didn't dare let on that it shocked me
i lived in a world that
did not allow nuances

one more subjunctive
one existential doubt too many
and you were branded a 'queer' for life
no, we were all sleeping
i'm okay. I'm studying
i have exams in j une
not my driver's license, my diploma
when are you coming home?
Nedo? My love, honey
you were a bastard leaving like this
i miss you to death
it's a mess here. They want to evict us
the police have come
where have you been?
Don't worry, it's nothing
i'll talk to the judge
he's a good man
committed to civil rights, they say
i'll tell him what the deal is
love, i've missed you so much
what do they want from you?
i've been framed by some bad guys
but there are plenty of witnesses
who will see to it that i'm set free
people like nedo, you know
come on, mansani
j ust one minute
at the trial we found out
that mercedes was stuffed with cocaine
he was sentenced 5 years
and 8 months

to this day, i don't know if dad knew
or if he was really just framed
in school
i wrote an essay
about the misadventures

of an innocent man
who was caught up in things
much bigger than he could control

i also wrote that the cosmos
is not built on a human scale
