Posutoman burusu

It looks like the Lieutenant's instincts were right.
All we found was the little finger in his room.
We don't know what happened to the rest of it.

Probably buried in his backyard.
And he forgot to bury the finger. Sounds plausible...
There's no doubt that this is a mutilation homicide.
A psychopath going so far as to use stimulants...
This can be dangerous.
The question is, what's Joe's involvement in all this?
Got it.
The suspect returned home
after meeting with the hitman.

Where are Ochia and Maeda?
They're watching the letter carrier.
All right.
We're going to wrap this up tomorrow.
Get a good night's rest.
Sawaki...? It's Noguchi.
Noguchi? What's up?
Do you know what happened to my pinky?
Do you know what happened to my pinky?
You mean the finger from the other day...
Do you know what happened to my pinky?

You mean the finger from the other day...
It's missing.
Missing... Well... maybe that's because you cut it off.
What I mean is: I can't find the pinky I cut off.
So... isn't that because you cut it off.
I'm fucked. I'm going to be killed. I'm a dead man.
What do you mean you're going to be killed?
