Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

Sometimes Bob had the bulb
and each time he got hit
that's when we snapped it.

Overall I think
we did 15 different implements--

36 shots each.
I find that I don't have
that power over him anymore.

He is now sort of coming to his own
as a visual artist.

My influence over him in that way
is not nearly as much as it was
in the early beginning stages of it.

Don't you collaborate
in his performances?

We totally collaborate.
It's a real interesting process.

- All right Bob, enough?
- Keep going.

Don't make it phony, just do it.
Up higher. Tighter.
Head up a little bit.
Don't do it anymore.
Oh, stop.

Okay, a smooth zoom out.
- Not yet?
- Not yet.

Sheree, I want a lot of time in here.
- Not yet?
- Not yet.

and a little up... and bind.
- How's it look?
- Looks good.

I'll punch you in the stomach now.
Wait, stop, stop.
You can't just keep doing that.

Who the hell do you think you are?
- Amazing.
- Shut that off.

- What off?
- You got plenty for your thing.

That's it. I said stop, stop.
You just hit the nipple.

You hit it four times in a row
when you say you're not gonna do it.

Ready for a cupcake?
In the video scaffold
we shot hours of footage

of each part of Bob's body,
and assembled the footage
