Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

I get that fear that he's gonna fall--
Saying, with which,
when he sticks the needles in himself,

I feel the pain.
Then he lands on his feet and I'm proud
all of a sudden everybody's applauding,

and, I think, because of what he's done.
And I think he's doing this
to say to God,
or whoever there is out there,

"You son of a bitch,
what you've done to me--

Iet me show you. I'll do my tumblesault
and I'm coming back at you.
This is my way of telling you
to go fuck yourself."

I have to apologize--
my body is kind of thin

and there isn't much to work with.
That's one of Rose's biggest complaints.
I should work out more,
lift weights or something.

I'm certainly no Arnold Schwarzenegger.
But can Arnold do this?
C'mon, Mr. Terminator Man, I doubt...
This is my body.
And I learned to say,
"Well, I'm not gonna get another one.

So I'm gonna use this one
until it's all used up."

One of the things I'm gonna try and do
is a posthumous piece

where I want to be buried
with a videocamera just like this,

encased in a tomb or something.
And someplace in the museum,
or one of my crazy collectors
that I'm gathering--

this is a good way
to make money beforehand, you say,

"lf you'll pay me
a certain amount of money now, you can

have the pleasure
of having a monitor in your house..."

"...and the piece is called 'The Viewing.'"
I'll have to spend money
to have a satellite, I guess--

connection to the video monitor.
And every now and then,
whoever wants to walk in this room-

turn on a switch--
they can see how I'm progressing...

...or decomposing.
