
Mezarýmý kazabilirmiyim mi?
Elbette kazabilirsin.

Eðer petrol bulursan,
yarýsý benim.

Kazmaya baþla.
Selam sana Þeytan,
gördüðümüz herþeyin efendisi.

Luther, Bialy ve
Levinson adýna...

...sana ortaya çýkmaný emrediyorum!
Daha büyük bir pentagram
çizelim demiþtim.

Þu bakire-kurban-et fikrine
geri dönmeye ne dersiniz?

Bu hoþuma gitti.
Burada neye ihtiyacým
var biliyor musun?

Taze bir kafatasýna adamým!
Evet sen.
-Gidin þuradan.

My God. Not another one.
Another one?
What do you mean?

Kids get dumped here.
Never had a chance. Horrible, isn't it?

She has a little girl now.
- Who?
- She wanted children.

She went to doctors,
but it was me all along.

You know,
not wanting to pry or nothing...

but some of us were kind of curious.
You know, wondering
just what the hell are you?

Somebody who doesn't
want to be bothered.

That's what I told them.
When he wants to talk,
he'll talk. Right?

- Don't hold your breath.
- Look, mister.

Figure you're hanging around
these alleys for a reason.

Maybe you just want some company.
I've got nowhere else to go,
that's all.
