The Fifth Element

Torture who you have to,
the President, I don't care.

Just bring me the stones.
You have one hour.
It's gobbling up
all the satellites in the galaxy.

Why is it eating up
all the satellites?

We're working on it.
The Mondoshawan deplore the incident
but accept our apologies.

And the stones?
Did you find them?

They weren't on board.
The Mondoshawan never
fully trusted the human race.

They gave them
to someone they do trust.

Her name is Plavalaguna.
She's a diva.

She's singing at a charity ball
in Fhloston Paradise.

She has the stones.
The Mondoshawans will help.
We must send someone...
to get the stones.
I want this operation to be
as discreet as possible.

No troops.
No big operation.

I want your best man
to go undercover.

I have the perfect one.
You've got a message.
Not opening it?
Could be important.

Like the last two
were important.

First one was from my wife
telling me she's leaving.

The second was from my lawyer
telling me he was leaving with my wife.

That is bad luck.
Grandfather say...
"It never rain everyday."
This is good news, guaranteed.

I bet you lunch.
