The Ice Storm

[ Sighs ]
Well, it's great
that we can all be together.

And this Thanksgiving, no, uh,
yelling, no hysteria, especially
with your grandpa not here--

although we miss him.
So let's do it right.
Wendy, why don't you say grace ?

You used to love
to say grace, remember ?

Dear Lord, thank You for
this Thanksgiving holiday...

and for all the material
possessions we have and enjoy...

- and for letting us white people
kill the lndians and steal...
- Wendy.

- their tribal lands and stuff
ourselves like pigs...
- Okay. Okay.

- even though children in Asia
are being napalmed--
- Jesus ! Enough ! All right !

- Paul, roll ?
- Thank you.

- Can I have the gravy ?
- Uh-huh.

[ Liquid Pouring
lnto Glass ]

You having one ?

In a bit.
[ Sighs ] You know,
I think Elena might suspect something.

[ Sighs ] Maybe it's all
for the better, you know ?

Yesterday at dinner, she--
Well, she didn't say anything.

Has she acted funny to you ?
I mean, have you...

- noticed anything ?
- Have I noticed anything ?

- Mmm.
- I'm not married to her,
Benjamin; you are.

I think you've probably a better
vantage point from which to observe her.

Yeah, but, uh, I've been
working a lot lately, and--
