U Turn

- lt can't be done at the house.
- l want some money up front.

Why don't l buy you a plane ticket
while l'm at it? l know you.

Listen ...
You go to the house to see her.
Tell heryou had to see her.

Yousweet-talk the woman. A young
buck like you mustbe good at that

Then shift the conversation.
Talk about the Jeep. She loves that

Maybe the only thing she does love.
She'll take you fora ride out
in the desert someplace quiet

Riding through the red rocks
and mesas. She loves it out there.

So do l. We've got that in common.
There won'tbe anyone around
butyou andsome prairie dogs.

And then ... sweet-talk her.
ltmakes no difference to me.

Putherat ease,
and then ...

... do it!
- You could leave him.
- lt's not that easy.

- Walk away.
- Maybe you can take chances.

You can wander wherever
you please. l can't.

l don't want to be alone.
l wish l was a bird.
Some of the old lndians thought
you could change into animals.
