A Perfect Murder

Imagine my embarrassment
if they're not the same.

$1 00,000 now. . .
. . . $400,000 after, cash-and-carry.
You're out of your mind.
Not really.
I appreciate your curiosity,
but my agenda doesn't concern you.

I'll go straight to Emily
and tell her all this.

That would be my word against yours. . .
. . .Winston.
And what if I call the cops?
Have you ever been
to Boca Raton, Florida?

A lady there was carrying on
with a younger man.

He was a hell of a tennis player.
When the affair ended. . .

. . .he disappeared. . .
. . .along with the lady's bearer bonds.
You sure you've never been there?
Not that I recall.
An acquaintance of mine has
a photograph of the suspect.

All they need is a name. . .
. . .as in, strike three.
1 5 years.
No parole.
You think you got a box big enough
to hold $1 00,000 in cash?

Come by the apartment
around 1 2 o'clock tomorrow.

Unless you have
a previous luncheon engagement.

I assume you know where I live.
