A Perfect Murder

. . .along with the lady's bearer bonds.
You sure you've never been there?
Not that I recall.
An acquaintance of mine has
a photograph of the suspect.

All they need is a name. . .
. . .as in, strike three.
1 5 years.
No parole.
You think you got a box big enough
to hold $1 00,000 in cash?

Come by the apartment
around 1 2 o'clock tomorrow.

Unless you have
a previous luncheon engagement.

I assume you know where I live.
I'm your best friend!
Half the year goes by
and you don't say one thing?

Do you love him?
Will you leave Steven?

Talk to me.
I will if you shut up for one second.
I'm waiting.
I didn't tell you
because you adore Steven.

You cried at our wedding,
for God's sake.

-I cry at every wedding.
-No, you don't.
