Air Bud: Golden Receiver

Know what I hate most
about train station food?

There's nothing even remotely
Italian about the Italian subs.

- Oh, hi, Coach Fanelli.
- Hey, what do you say, kid?
You mind if I grab some wood?

How'd you find me here?
Eh, I ran away more than a few times
when I was your age.

- Usually I got about this far.
- Hmm.

- I'm leaving.
- Where you headin'?

San Francisco.
Boy, if my star quarterback's
willin' to pass up
the state championship game...

there must be somethin'
pretty serious.

- Hmm.
- Wanna talk about it?

It wouldn't have anything to do
with a new man
in your mom's life, would it?

Would it?
He's not my dad,
all right?

No, I guess he isn't.
And you loved
your father very much.

[ Coughs ] So, where you headin'
after football season?

- I'm running away, remember?
- Yeah, well, I mean,

if you weren't running away,
what would you be doing?

- I don't know.
Probably play basketball or something.
- Hmm.

Well, I would have thought
the way you'd gotten into football,

basketball was out.
I never said it was out.
I love basketball,
it just that I love football too.

How's that possible?
You can--
You like this guy Patrick, Josh?
Doesn't mean you gotta
stop lovin' your father, you know.

Your mom hasn't.
Trainnumber nine for
San Francisco will be arriving
in five minutes on track one.

That's me.
Well, I guess this is
arrivederci, huh, Josh?

Good luck, kid.
Oh, um, I kinda overheard
you and Mrs. Salter talking.
