
Word is spreading
through the colony.

The queen requested a meeting
with the war hero.

Damn! Good.
Damn good.

Uh, I'll handle this.
[ Footsteps Approaching ]
- Congratulations, soldier.
- [ Clears Throat ]

[ Chuckles ] Well, you're a little short
for a war hero, aren't you?

A war hero? Sir, I-I don't
actually think that I'm a hero.

I don't like heroes.

- But, sir. You don't understand. I--
- [ Crowd Cheering ]

I-- I didn't do anything.
I mean, it was all horrible.
It was just a massacre.

A-A massacre upon a massacre.
That's good, soldier.
Now, wave.

There was nothing
you could do, Weaver.

You didn't know
they were going to war.

I just feel horrible.
Poor Z.
I should have never let him go.

Wait a minute.
That's no soldier. That's Z!

Z? The little guy made it!
[ Chuckles ]

[ Crowd Cheering ]
Let's go, soldier.
As I was saying, son,
you are an ant after my own heart.

An ant that looks death
in the face and laughs.

Well, actually, the truth is,
I-I generally just make
belittling comments...

and snicker behind death's back.
[ Chuckles ]

General Mandible.
Keep your comments to yourself.
Let me do the talking.

[ Yawns ]
