How much is he paying you?
- 150 thou for starters...
So what exactIy wiII
you be doing?
Taking peopIe around.
Showing them Athens.
What do you know about Athens?
A Iot more than you.
How are things at home?
- Fine. Why d'you ask?
How come you didn't go
to coIIege Iike your Dad?
Don't want to... Come on,
you know the score.
I couIdn't understand shit
at schooI here.
I'm not that smart.
Let's move on.
I've had enough of this.
Sure. Why not?
Nice haircut...
How oId are you?
Seventeen... aImost eighteen.
If I try to get away wiII you
beat the shit out of me too?
I've never hit a woman.
You'II Iearn. Don't worry...