Nice haircut...
How oId are you?
Seventeen... aImost eighteen.
If I try to get away wiII you
beat the shit out of me too?
I've never hit a woman.
You'II Iearn. Don't worry...
Not again! You go for the
bIack 10 and you get a red 3.
It's reaIIy fucking with us.
It's fucked me, you mean!
I stripped PhiIippos the other
day though. Won 100 off him.
Way to go! You cIeaned
out the junkie...
In haIf an hour I Iost it aII.
- Jerk!
How's it going?
- Shit.
See you around then.
Get Iost!
Lots of kids around here have
Ieft home or have no parents...