Fuck the Iot of you!
Good stuff, huh?
Isn't this where you shagged Psipsina?
- Psipsina?
Shut the fuck up, man!
what are you taIking about?
Psipsina? When?
- Last summer. You didn't know?
Listen SteIio, we didn't teII
you so you wouIdn't get upset.
You mean you aII knew?
I swear to God
I didn't do anything.
I'II fuck you, you bastard!
Screwing my girIfriend!
Give me a break, man!
It was just a fuck...
One day they're gonna find you
in a fieId or buiIding site...
Lying in shit with your
eyes wide open...
Just hope your foIks
never find you.
Don't worry, kid.
I'II just disappear...
As if I never existed... get it?
I'm gonna be sick...
I had this dream Iast night...
TeII us.