Apo tin akri tis polis

One day they're gonna find you
in a fieId or buiIding site...

Lying in shit with your
eyes wide open...

Just hope your foIks
never find you.

Don't worry, kid.
I'II just disappear...
As if I never existed... get it?

I'm gonna be sick...
I had this dream Iast night...
TeII us.
I was back in Kazhakstan.
Outside my oId schooI...
with my aunt.

She was hoIding my hand.
SuddenIy two men appeared out
of nowhere... dressed in bIack.

I couIdn't see their faces.
They started shooting...

For no reason...
One hit me in the chest...
the other in the stomach... I feII...

But there was no bIood. The wounds were
dry. As if the buIIets were bIanks.

But I was dying... reaIIy dying.
You gotta stop taking so many piIIs, dude.
That shit's messing with your mind.

Listen to him! The asshoIe's
trying to drive us nuts'
