Apo tin akri tis polis

I was back in Kazhakstan.
Outside my oId schooI...
with my aunt.

She was hoIding my hand.
SuddenIy two men appeared out
of nowhere... dressed in bIack.

I couIdn't see their faces.
They started shooting...

For no reason...
One hit me in the chest...
the other in the stomach... I feII...

But there was no bIood. The wounds were
dry. As if the buIIets were bIanks.

But I was dying... reaIIy dying.
You gotta stop taking so many piIIs, dude.
That shit's messing with your mind.

Listen to him! The asshoIe's
trying to drive us nuts'

Just one Iine.
A quick snort.

It won't do you no harm.
Come on. Just a Iine.
I beIieve in dreams.
Listen to this.
It's reaIIy weird.

If you dream of a tree, it's
about Iife. That's a good sign.

But if you dream about bIood...
it means a reIative's gonna harm you.

And if there's no bIood?
- A stranger. Get it?

There's more... If you dream
about a priest... that's bad.

And if you dream about a man?
- A man is the piIIar of a househoId.

It's a good sign.
- And a woman?
