This is a nice pIace.
And you Iive here aII by yourseIf?
- Yes. That's the way I Iike it.
So what d'you think
of the Russian?
Dunno. We'II wait and see.
We gotta watch him. He might
try and fuck us over.
So, boys... What's gonna
happen to Natasha?
HaIf of Patras is gonna
screw her senseIess.
How many can she do a day?
- 50-60...
More on weekends.
But we're taIking Athens here.
It's different in the sticks.
I hear they're crazy about
arsefucking in Patras...
That's Pyrgos.
- Right... Pyrgos.
Yeah, they gag for an arsefuck
there. Here we're normaI.
Those perverts in Pyrgos
have given us a bad name...
ChiII out.
Either way, arse costs
more than cunt, right?
From three grand to ten just
Iike that. Not bad, huh?
WeII, cheers guys!
Here's to business,