
Woman with large breasts.
Woman with medium breasts.
Here's Harry givin' me a hard time.
And this is Harry tellin' me
it's not good enough.

And this is Harry tellin' me
I can't marry his daughter.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

- Just let it out.
- [ Crying ]

I suffered a major head injury
when I was in high school.

This one looks like you...
with breasts.

Yeah, I can handle it.
Yeah, I can handle it.

A home run!
The Cubs win the World Series! Ah--

Fail. Fail. Depressively fail.
One toxicology analysis
revealed catamen.

That is a very powerful sedative.
- Sedatives are used
all the time, Doctor.
- This one's used on horses.

Some of these guys are pretty big.
It would normally take 18 months
to psychologically prepare,

prescreen viable subjects
for space travel.

We have seen evidence of a wide
variety of territorial aggression.

Can they physically survive the trip?
That's all I need to know here, okay?

Personally, I don't know
how they survived the tests.

Talk about the wrong stuff.
Good morning. I'm Colonel Willie Sharp.
In addition to flying
one of the X-71 teams to that rock,

my job is to train you to deal
with the mental and physical
rigors of working in space...

so you don't freak out on the asteroid.
United States astronauts
train for years.

You have 12 days.
Do we have any intelligent
questions before we get started?

What's an X-71?
You're the first civilians
to ever see her.

We call 'em the X-71s.
It's a top secret joint venture
with the Air Force.

She and her sister ship in Vandenberg
are leaving for launch prep in Florida.

Thought you oughta take a look.
The two shuttles going up are
the Freedom and lndependence.

Her titanium alloy impenetrable
skin covers the toughest, meanest,

most sophisticated space vehicle
man has ever made.

Okay, Air Force Colonel Davis,
NASA pilot Tucker...
