Great Expectations

I gave Keith Haring a show
after he drew a sketch in my hand.

But which paintings did you like?
I saw the beginning of something,
and here you are.

Annette, Sotheby's.
What you do is up to you. Stay and
paint or enjoy the sights and go home.

Either way, I always enjoy
meeting a young painter.

Look, I mean, I'll do it.
I said that I'll do the paintings.
Wonderful. Call Marcy
when you have something for us.

And I could still draw.
Nothing had lessened it as much
as I had abused it, abandoned it.

It was a gift, and it was still mine.
And everything else was less real.
What can it mean?
That picture of the world.

But when it's true, we recognize it
in ourselves, in others.

We recognize it, like love,
completely undeserved.

You're drooling.
So, Finn Bell.
In New York.

That's right.
I thought I saw you last Christmas.
I was driving down 5th.

I just got here.
Actually, now that I see you,
this guy was bigger.

- He's bigger.
- Fatter.

- He had long hair.
- You thought it was me?
