Holy Man

- Very funny.
- Yeah, thanks.

- I really like you. Yes.
- I like you too.

- Kate.
- It was so nice meeting you.

- It was very special.
- Yeah. Thank you. Thanks again.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

- Now, watch out for the cars there.
- Careful!

- Kate?
- What?

- Are you insane?
- What?

Is that what you do, offer guys
you meet on the highway rides?

- He offered us help.
- Oh, you're new to this planet, aren't you?

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
- Ai-yi-yi.
- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God. Is he all right?
- Give him air. Give him air.

- He's not conscious.
- Maybe he's meditating?

- Face down in the gravel?
- He was... He was kissing the ground before.

- Ricky, this is real.
- Wait a second. I didn't hit him.

- I know it. I stopped. He must've, um, fainted.
- Oh, God.

- Call 9-1-1.
- Okay.

Okay, okay, okay. Let's not panic.
Let's... Let's, um...

- Let's get him into the car.
- Okay. I'll take the...

Unless... Wait a minute.
Maybe he shouldn't be moved.

- And we just drive to a call box and send somebody.
- Oh!

- Oh, God! No!
- What? What?

That's not disgusting. I'm thinking
things out. Let's get him into the car.

This is exactly why you don't wave.
This is exactly why you don't wave.

- Oh, it's my fault now?
- Let's not argue about it. Come on.

Dr Hoffman, 308. Dr Hoffman, call 308.
How would you like
to take care of payment?

Payment? We just brought him in.
I don't know him.

Well... neither do I.
- Here. I'll take care of it.
- What are you doing? What are you doing? No, Kate.

- I'm bucks up, I guess. Sponge baths for everybody.
- Thank you.

- Hi. I'm Dr Simon.
- Kate Newell.

Oh, the doctor.
Good, good. Kate Newell.

G is suffering
from heat exhaustion...
