Le Violon rouge

Antoinette teIIs me
you sIeep with your vioIin.

Tonight you'II sIeep by yourseIf.
Without the vioIin.

Without your vioIin!
Thank you for coming so quickIy.
Thank you so much, Doctor.
Good night.

-FeeIing better?
-Yes, thank you.

The doctor says your heart
must have stopped for a minute.

I'm sorry.
It's aII right, but we don't
want it to happen again.

Were you worried?
Were you nervous about the audition?

It wiII be just fine.
You know that, don't you?

-I know, I know.

Kaspar, we want to teII you...
you don't have to do it
if you don't want to.

-You don't have to pIay.
-I don't?

We can canceI the audition.
We'II manage, somehow.
It's better than making you sick, see?
You don't have to be famous.

No? Yes... Oui.
Sorry... maIade.
I want to be famous.
Sir, I reaIIy do.

That's my boy!
I'm very proud of you.

I want you to rest, reIax.
Madame Poussin wiII bring
a visitor you Iike very much.

Merci, Madame.
