Les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2

Which you hate and the kids love.
Sir, Madame de Montmirail
is calling you back.

You told Mummy?
No, it's Cora. Hubert's Wife.
I told her he's back!
That Was a big mistake.
Cora? Jean-Pierre here.
HoW dumb! Hang up!
Your husband has turned up.

HoW irresponsible!
I kept quiet
When I thought Godefroy Was Hubert

because even before he Went to Borneo,
he hated her.

She's your problem noW.
Relax! You're tired.
Take your drops
and I'll have Pizza Hut deliver.

A trumpet?
Why Work for these asses?
Hi, Mr. Goulard.
What now?
Sustenance and shelter!
Let us toil
for Lady Beatrice the Bimbo

for food and lodging.
- What?
- I Won't bust my buns!

Beatrice is sick.
That asshole hurt you!
Jean-Pierre, you're aWful!
Jacques Kass is a friend
and you kick him out!

Come in, Mr. Kass.
Not With their rubbish!
Off'rings for my mistress,
Beatrice the Bimbo.

is the Word from back then.

It means "gifts".
A thousand thanks, dear servant.

Enter With your damsel.
He called you a bimbo.
For them
the meaning is different.

Not for me!
Bring your goodly victuals
into the kitchen.

Lady Beatrice the Bimbo!

She loves this bimbo stuff.
Help us.

What a nice surprise!
You forgot?
