Les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2

What? Who is this idiot!
- Where is Montmirail?
- In his fortress.

Celebrating his marriage!
He's remarrying? Perfect.
Tell him to expect
some legal trouble, okay?

This guy's an ass.
Can I speak to Hubert?
Are you Hubert's friend?
Do you knoW him?
The idiot doesn't even knoW Hubert.
He hung up on me!
Philippine, your father's alive.
He is?
Look. I Was five
When he disappeared.

Gilbert, let her rip!
Gilbert! Let her rip!
- What happened?
- A fire due to a Tv that imploded.

Hilda, are the kids okay?
We just got here.
Is the man Who insists on helping
a relative?

Mr. Kass? Yes, he's... kin.
Tell him to stop. He may get hurt.
He'll ruin our equipment.

Dame Ginette, please tell
your goodly companion not to help the...
The helmeted foot soldiers
can manage alone.

say What?
They don't need him.
Where is Jean-Pierre?

What a shitty day!
All done. What a day!
We don't need a second hose!
It unWinds!
They're flooding the house!
What happened?

Kass threW vodka on the fire!
