Lethal Weapon 4

We haven't discussed it.
That's pretty messed up.

The baby's due in days and you
haven't talked about marrying?

I haven't done it at all.
Do we want Leo to shoot the shark?
I want Leo to shoot...
No, Leo!
-What's the deal?!
-You're shooting a gun on my boat!

I'm not shooting your boat,
I'm shooting Jaws.

Nobody's killing it
just to have its teeth!

You're grumpy since you
learned you'll be a grandpa.

Get off of me, will you?
Don't fool around!
Some piece of hardware!
Got a permit?

Of course!
I'm a P.I. now.

A gumshoe! You get in
ugly situations. I got guns!

You are an ugly situation.
You don't deserve this.
You're not safe.

Smart move, Riggs.
Hard right!
You hear shots?
Coast Guard, this is Code 7.
We're in L.A. Harbor.
We got an 07.
They're getting away!
Who was it? Do we know?
No, no, I'll drive!
-Want me to help?
-Get out of here!

This your gun?
Yeah, want laser surgery?
You could blind somebody!
Coast Guard, this is Code 7,
in pursuit of freighter.

Heading north.
Awaiting instructions. Over.
Code 7,
maintain your present course.

We have a cutter en route.
Why you slowing down?
We'll hang here.
Coast Guard'll be here soon.

-What do we do now?
-Show them our badges.

