Little Voice

Hey, you, you twat!
What do you think
you're bloody playin' at?

- F-Feedin'.
- Feedin' my ass.

Screwin' around more like.
You come on all quiet...

like you're only interested
in these bloody things here.

But, really, you're a devious
little bastard, aren't ya?

You know what I'm on about.
Reading matter.
Ah, yes, you little bastard.
Though what you want to get your leg
over that for I'll never know.

Old enough to be
your bloody grandma.

Went to see the girl,

the one with music.
What, her up...
Oh, Jesus.

- I thought...
- Just to talk to her, like.

- Oh, aye?
- Yeah.

- Thought she were... interestin'.
- Interestin', like off
her bloody rocker, you mean.

Didn't I say to you,
though, Sadie, eh?

I knew there was something down
for us, me and red hot Ray.

I just had that feelin'
in me twat bone.

Eh? And you know me.
I can predict rain with that.
I'm wearin' me share-price
knickers tonight,

down as likely as up,
and some shit-tight
bloody bra.

'Cause I'm one high razzamatazz
in here today, me.

It's like there's a circus
parade passin' over me paps!

- I'm just checking to see
if your wires are all right.
