Little Voice

I just had that feelin'
in me twat bone.

Eh? And you know me.
I can predict rain with that.
I'm wearin' me share-price
knickers tonight,

down as likely as up,
and some shit-tight
bloody bra.

'Cause I'm one high razzamatazz
in here today, me.

It's like there's a circus
parade passin' over me paps!

- I'm just checking to see
if your wires are all right.

I'm just seeing
if your wires are all right.

I'm just seein' if your...
If your wires are all right.

- Do you go out much?
- No.

Are you a telly fan?
- No.
- Goin' anywhere on your holidays?

- There are no wires.
- Eh?

I finished work hours ago.
Oh, I don't know
what to say now.

I'm Billy.
Can I ask you your name?

- LV.
- Oh.

Does, does that stand
for something?
