Lost in Space

This mission sucks!
I don't wanna Ieave earIy.
I don't wanna go ataII.

We wiII discuss this at dinner.
For the Iast three years, I've
missed everythingtraining...

so I can spendthe next 10years
missing everything eIse.

I'm notstaying homefor dinner.
I'm seeing my friends.
I'm going out to say good-bye
to my entire Iife.

Penny, I needyou here tonight.
Waita minute.

On this eve, before she's torn
from everything she knows--

hurIed into deepspace
againsther wiII--

what thoughtsfiIIthe mind
of the daring space captive?

Are there boys onAIpha Prime?
What wiII Iwear?
What wiII itbe Iike to jettison
your body into deepspace?

you'IItry hoIdingyour breath.

Butyour bIood's
aIready begun to boiI.

Then your skin infIates
Iike a baIIoon.

Do they have a name
for what's wrongwith you?

Dad says don'tbringthem.
Like anything I do
matters to him.

Don'tsweatit, kid.
I gotapoIogy videos
for two birthdays.

HeforgotIastyear compIeteIy.
This mission's the onIy thing
he cares aboutanymore.

So that's a no tofamiIy dinner?
Let's see.
Do I spend my Iastnight
on Earth...

watching Mom and Dad pretend
not to befighting again...

or bIow 10years worth
of aIIowance at the maII?

You do the math.
Mom's gonna go thermaI.
What's she gonna do,
ground me?

I'm nervous aboutjamming in
a new piIot the Iastsecond.
