
What-- What--
l'm a real dragon !

You are not worthy of this spot.
Now, awaken the Great Stone Dragon.

So you'll get back to me
on the job thing ?

[ Disgusted Sigh ]
Just one chance,
is that too much to ask ?

l mean, it's not like
it'd kill ya.

Yo, Rocky, wake up !
Ya gotta go fetch Mulan !

Come on, boy !
Go get her ! Go on !

[ Whistles ]
Come on.

[ Gong Banging ]
[ Growling ]
Hello ?
Hel-lo !
Hello !
Uh, Stony ?
Stony ? Oh, man,
they're gonna kill me.

[ Great Ancestor ]
Great Stone Dragon,

have you awakened ?
[ Mushu ] Uh, uh, uh, uh--
Yes, l just woke up.

l'm-- l'm the Great
Stone Dragon. Good morning.

l will go forth
and fetch Mulan.

Did-- Did l mention that
l was the Great Stone Dragon ?

Go ! The fate
of the Fa family...

rests in your claws.
Don't even worry about it.
l will not lose face.

[ Screaming,
Grunting ]

[ Moaning ]
My elbow !

[ Groaning ]
l know l twisted somethin'.

[ Grunting ]
That's just great.
Now what ?

l'm doomed, and all 'cause
Miss Man decides to take her
little drag show on the road.

[ Chirping,
Squeaking ]

Go get her ? What's the matter
with you ? After this Great Stone,

Humpty Dumpty mess, l'd have
to bring her home with a medal
to get back in the temple.

[ Gasps ]
Wait a minute. That's it !

l make Mulan a war hero, and they'll be
begging me to come back to work.
