Music From Another Room

- That's a great idea.
- No. I can't leave Mother.

Of course, you can. I'll be fine.
I'll get your coat.
You won't need a coat.
It's a beautiful day. Come on.

Come on, Nina. It'll do you good.
Come on, Nina.
"He had to make an effort,
and reason with himself...

"... that all sorts of people were passing him...
"... and that he himself might've come...
"... just to skate. "
I hear a bee. Do you see it?
No. Must've gone.
"He stepped down,
avoiding any long look at her...

"... as one avoids long looks at the sun... "
A bee.
"But seeing her as one sees the sun...
"... without looking. "
That bee is still around.
- No, there's no bee near you. I promise.
- Yes, there is!

I can hear it better than you.
Get it away from me!

- I can't stand bees!
- Nina, relax.

- There's bees all around me!
- I'm here.

- Just stand still.
- There's bees all over me!

There's nothing around you. Nina, stop it!
I hate bees.
- I'm very, very sorry.
- Why did you bring her here?

- It was your mother's idea.
- She's not comfortable in places like this.

You did say that she should get out more.
Yes, she should, with me.
- Why only with you?
- Because she trusts me, that's why.

I think you treat her like a baby. I'm sorry.
- You wouldn't understand.
- No, I understand.

- Nina and I have a special relationship.
- I understand.

I'm her connection to the sighted world.
Maybe she should have
somebody else do that for her...

...for a change.
Well, you know what? I don't think
you're the right person to read for her.

- Why not?
- Isn't it obvious?

- Are you firing me?
- Yes!

- Yes, I'm firing you.
- Why?

Because Nina needs somebody who's more...
There's a bee on you.
