Music From Another Room

Don't look at me.
It's to do with independence, individuals...
No. I think good marriages...
...are really based on something in common.
You know, some couples travel,
some shop, some garden.

Billy and me, we break up.
That's what we share, breaking up.
He has an affair, I stop eating for a while...
...and then we have a huge fight,
and our relationship is over...

...and we break up.
But while we're doing that...
...all the passion
that seeped out of our relationship...

...comes rushing back in, and he says:
"Please, don't leave me.
I can't live without you. "

Until we're back together
and everything's back the way it was...

...until we break up again.
- I mean, it's really kind of pathetic, isn't it?
- No.

It's whatever works for you.
Billy, give me that.
- Anna has a secret admirer.
- Okay, but just please give it to her.

I'm gonna strangle you.
Sometimes I really think about leaving him,
but then I don't...

...'cause I really think that would
force us together even more.

Billy, he's a moron.
He's a good moron, though.
- Billy doesn't get anything.
- Thank you.

What did I miss?
Look at this. Anna has a secret admirer.
He's probably a teenager
who works at the garden.

How do you know it's a he?
I'm sorry, I don't go for that stuff.
Eric, read it.
The male sea lion...
...wants a female.
- He rolls over, dangles his erect member...
- God, Daddy!

:38:37 front of her, and presto...
...perpetuation of the species.
- That's how Billy met Irene.
- Don't flatter me. That's my favorite story.

You should read this for all of us.
You know what?
Don't read it, it's not necessary.

I want to see what my competition is.
It's a poem.

"Wanted, wanted, Anna Swan. "
That's enough.
- No, no. Go on, we wanna hear.
- The public clamors, honey.
