Music From Another Room

As soon as Danny comes,
I'll take you both home.

- No. I'll wait for my sister.
- Nina, are you okay?

- Yes, I'm fine.
- But you've got blood on you.

Blood's not a big deal.
Look, this is what you do, okay?

You take it, soak it overnight...
...soda water, vinegar, a touch of lemon,
comes right out.

My name is Jesus.
My uncle's in dry cleaning.
- This is Anna, my sister.
- Where's Danny?

- He got stabbed.
- What?

Hi, Anna.
Here. I think this has sugar in it.
- You met Jesus?
- He saved my life.

- Thank you. I'm taking Nina home.
- No, I can take her. I got wheels.

- Thank you, but no.
- I think Nina wants to go home with Jesus.

Will you stay out of this? Come on, Nina.
He offered to drive her home.
- She's going with me.
- Excuse me.

Will you please stop talking about me
like I'm not here?

I am perfectly capable of deciding for myself...
...who I'm going to go with.
Jesus is taking me home.
I need a lift.
God, I just can't believe you brought her there.
The truth of the matter is, Nina had a great time,
and you just hate that.

No. Nina was almost killed.
I was almost killed! Look! Nina was fine.
I have enough responsibility
trying to keep this family functioning...

...without you gumming it up.
Why are you responsible
for everyone in your family?

Because I am. All right?
They treat you like a valet service,
you know that?

You know what? That's life.
Some people take responsibility,
and others don't.

Thanks to you,
we've got Nina cruising the barrio...

:54:41 night with a dishwasher named Jesus.
Yes, she is, and she's probably having fun...
...for the first time in her life.
Wait a second.
She's had fun before. Nina's had fun.

Nina's had fun before. When was that?
Tell me, when was that?

Maybe listening to your father rant on
about how love is a conspiracy.

I know.
